Guy Lyons



I started working on a simple animation the other night, again for the Cong Tu Bot newsletter. I’ve done something like this before, and used Photoshop to make a GIF, but this was my first time going strictly FOSS with my toolset, using only Inkscape and GIMP.

Now, I know most opinions on Gimp are not great. For a long time it’s definitely left a lot to be desired. But, it is free, and it does have its own great features that make it worth taking some time to learn. It’s also incredibly lightweight in comparison to the bloat of modern day Photoshop.

Above is one of the static versions. I combined a few of these, with a few different colors to create my animation.

noodles! noodles!

Over all I’m enjoying using Gimp and Inkscape together to achieve these results. It’s nice to not have to depend on Adobe, and to also use a tool that is predictable, stable, and most importantly free.